what is alkaline water???
Nowadays, the amount of nitrate in drinking water is very important and many drinking water companies are trying to reduce it (they need significant investment in the refinery system) and their advertising slogans are accordingly expressed. they do. Nitrate, like sulfate, is one of the most effective factors in the constant hardness of water. It also increases the oxidation of cells and increases the risk of cancer. Alkaline nitrate has decreased by about half as much as conventional water.
Sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphate and chlorine ions have decreased, which makes it more light and more sophisticated.
Total alkalinity has increased due to the increase of hydroxide ion. In the presence of hydroxide ions, bicarbonates become carbonates. As a result, the alkalinity of alkali hydroxide is carbonate. As a result, reducing bicarbonates will reduce sediment in this water.
Meanwhile, when the total alkalinity of the total hardness increases, all the hardness of the water will be temporary and the permanent hardness will be completely eliminated.
Alkaline water can give humans a new experience in drinking watery and healthy water by reducing harmful salts such as nitrates and sulfates and eliminating bicarbonates and increasing ionic hydroxide, along with more oxygen uptake.
Also, the amount of toxic alkaline water minerals has decreased significantly.
Generally, alkaline water can be identified as blue, with more useful mineral indium, less harmful substances, with a higher water content and higher oxygen uptake, which has many properties for helping to maintain health and reduce the risk of cancer.