Health Benefits of the World's Healthiest Sustanace: 1. Powerful Antioxidant Alkaline Ionized Water has an abundance of electrons and a negative charge called Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP). Electrons are free radical scavengers and a negative ORP reduces the oxidation of the body, which slows down the aging process. ORP is the most important term we can learn regarding health because everything we put in the body either increases or decreases oxidation in the boread more
what is alkaline water??? Nowadays, the amount of nitrate in drinking water is very important and many drinking water companies are trying to reduce it (they need significant investment in the refinery system) and their advertising slogans are accordingly expressed. they do. Nitrate, like sulfate, is one of the most effective factors in the constant hardness of water. It also increases the oxidation of cells and increases the risk of cancer. Alkaline nitrate has decreased by about half as much read more
The effect of temperature on the pet Scientists at the University of Nanjing in China and the University of Florida studied the effect of water storage in 16 brands of water bottles in China. This rabies test was performed based on the settings at three temperatures: 39 ° F (3.9 ° C), water storage temperature in the refrigerator at 77 ° F (25 ° C), standard room temperature 158 ° F (70 ° C), indoor temperature According to studies in 2009, researchers investigatread more
Limit water hardness: Drinking Water Hardness: How much is the drinking water hardness limit? The water hardness is specific to the particular salts in the water. These salts include cations such as magnesium, calcium, strontium, iron, aluminum, manganese and copper, which are soluble in water with anions such as bicarbonate, carbonate, chloride, sulfate, silicate, and nitrate. Total hardness : Temporary hardness (hardness of carbonate) plus permanent hardness (bicarbonate hread more